To add a licence program, you must login.


Coach in Training (2022)

Coach in Training Coaches new to equestrian instruction or coaching and working under the supervision of an EC Licensed coach. Applicants are working towards certification.  


To obtain Coach in Training status, you must have a current PTSO membership an active EC Sport License and ensure the Safe Sport training, screening, and insurance requirements listed below are completed and/or up to date. A detailed description for each requirement can be viewed by clicking the program name in blue. 


Detailed instructions to access the Elearning courses and upload documents are available in the Resources section of ECampus.  


You have 60 days to complete the application.


If you have any questions, contact EC at


IMPORTANT: Your application will not be reviewed, and submitted application documents and forms will not be verified until payment for Coach Status has been received by EC.  


Equestrian Canada Contractor

Training and document requirements to be completed by EC contractors.


Licenced Coach Status (2021)

Licenced Coach recognizes coaches with verified experience, either through formal certification, education or validated practical experience. Applicants should be actively engaged in equestrian instruction and coaching. 


To obtain status you must have an active EC Sport Licence and meet the requirements listed below.


IMPORTANT: Uploaded documents will not be verified until after payment has been received for your Coach Status application in MyEC.


Licenced Coach: Non-NCCP Recognized Certifications and Experience

Non-NCCP training, certification and experience recognized for the purposes of obtaining a Coach Licence. 


Registered Coach Status (2021)

Registered Coach status recognizes self-declared coaches and instructors, including those working towards a Coach Certification and those new to equestrian instruction who will work alongside an experienced coach. This status can also be selected by those with formal training or extensive experience until the Licensed Coach Status becomes mandatory. 


To obtain status you must have an active EC Sport Licence and meet the requirements listed below.


IMPORTANT: Uploaded documents will not be verified until after payment has been received for your Coach Status application in MyEC.


Registered Coach Status (2022)

Registered Coach Status  is designed for self-declared coaches and instructors, including those working towards coach certification. Applicants are actively engaged in equestrian instruction and coaching.


To obtain Registered Coach status you must have a current PTSO membership, an active EC Sport License,  and ensure the Safe Sport training, screening, and insurance requirements listed below are completed and/or up to date. There is a detailed description for each requirement that can be viewed by clicking the program name in blue. 


IMPORTANT: Uploaded documents will not be verified until after payment has been received for your Coach Status application in MyEC.


EC Board of Directors Onboarding

Members of the Equestrian Canada Board of Directors are requested to complete the following online training and complete relevant documents.


The completed Screening Disclosure Form and Enhanced Criminal Record Check must be uploaded, other requirements can be directly completed in the ECampus. Training is self-paced, you may enter and exit as many times as you like until it has been completed.