External Courses
The courses listed on this page are access through the websites of other organizations. You will be taken to another website to register. Credit will not automatically be added to your eCampus account.
Records of completion of courses from the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC), completed through The Locker will automatically updated to your ECampus profile, as long as your NCCP# is recorded on file and you have provided consent to share your personal informance with the CAC. Please note it may take up to 30 days for these records to appear.
For all other courses, please submit proof of completition by way of the ECampus to receive professional development points.

Canadian Women & Sport Gender Equity LENS
The new Gender Equity LENS e-learning module gives you the information and tools you need to act on your commitment to gender equity, helping you make policy and program decisions to better serve women and girls in your sport.
You’ll learn how to bring a gender lens to your decision-making and create the conditions to support women and girls to participate, lead and stay involved.
By taking this e-learning module, you will:
- build your understanding of key equity and inclusion concepts, including gender, intersectionality, and unconscious bias;
- learn how embracing gender equity can make your sport better for all involved;
- learn how to apply our LENS framework to help you ask the right questions and challenge assumptions that keep equity out of reach; and,
- learn how to create sport environments that support women and girls to participate and lead in sport over the long term
- Receive two NCCP professional development points upon completion of the Gender Equity LENS e-learning module (if you are registered with The Locker through the Coaching Association of Canada)

Commit to Kids: Keeping Kids Safe in Sport
The Commit to Kids (C2K) for Coaches online training empowers coaches and other sport leaders with practical information to help them enhance child and youth safety in sport. It highlights the importance of understanding boundaries, sexual misconduct and reporting inappropriate behaviour. This online training consists of eight separate modules that address the following:
1. Child sexual abuse
2. The grooming process
3. Handling disclosures of child sexual abuse the impact of child sexual abuse
4. The impact of child sexual abuse
5. Creating a Child Protection Code of Conduct for your organization
6. Policies and procedures to use to protect children in your organization
7. The C2K program for child-serving organizations
A certificate of completion will be issued upon completion of all modules and a successful knowledge validation test.

Keeping Girls in Sport
Learn how to create safe and respectful environments for girls to participate in sport and physical activity with this e-module for coaches and activity leaders, developed by Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities in partnership with Canadian Women & Sport and the Coaching Association of Canada.
Studies have repeatedly shown that during adolescence, girls drop out of sport at a significantly higher rate than boys – 41 per cent of girls between the ages of 3 and 17 don’t participate in sport, and as girls enter adolescence, their overall participation rate drops by 22 per cent. In this e-module, coaches and activity leaders will build their understanding of how to address common motivators and barriers for girls and ultimately keep them engaged in sport.

Leading a Return to Sport Participation
The process of restarting sport activities presents significant challenges for coaches and participants. After an extended period of restricted training and competition, participants may experience a variety of physical and psychological effects that will influence their return to sport participation.

Mental Health in Sport
Mental health impacts the quality of life and performance of both sport participants and coaches. The Coaching Association of Canada’s Mental Health in Sport eLearning module was developed to educate coaches about mental health to empower them to effectively play a role in supporting the well-being of the participants in their sport program, while also supporting their own mental health.
Sport is linked to a range of positive outcomes, including improved mental health and well-being. Coaches have a great deal of influence over participants’ mental health.
After completing the Mental Health in Sport eLearning module, you will be able to:
- Describe the foundations of mental health
- Recognize and understand your role in promoting coach and participant well-being
- Understand the importance of self-care
Coaches who are maintaining their NCCP trained or certified status will receive 1 Professional Development (PD) point upon completing this module. This eLearning module will take approximately 45-60 minutes to complete, and is available free of charge in the Locker. You will be taken to an external website to sign-in.

NCCP Anti-racism in Coaching
After completing the Anti-racism in Coaching eLearning module, you will be able to:
- Build your knowledge of issues related to race and racism in Canada that affect coaching
- Expand your understanding of how to be an anti-racist coach
- Cultivate your skills in supporting racialized participants in sport
Coaches who are maintaining their NCCP certified or trained status will earn two NCCP PD points upon completion of this module.

NCCP Coach Initiation in Sport
Coach Initiation in Sport is an online NCCP module developed to introduce new or experienced coaches to the foundational skills in coaching, such as: long-term athlete development, ethics, coaching motivation, and athlete safety and wellness. The Coach Initiation in Sport module will also introduce coaches to the NCCP, a valuable tool for preparing a coach’s first in-person NCCP workshop. The Coach Initiation in Sport online module is designed as an important introduction to the key coaching concepts and educational tools that are the foundation of the NCCP. The module remains an excellent informational resource for coaches which they can revisit at any time after successful completion of the module.

NCCP Coaching Athletes with a Disability
Coaching Athletes with a Disability is a National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) eLearning module that provides coaches the knowledge to deliver quality, positive sport experiences for athletes, specifically with behavioural, intellectual, physical, and sensory disabilities.
Coaching Athletes with a Disability NCCP training will provide coaches the ability to:
Explain the benefits of sport participation for persons with a disability;
Communicate effectively and respectfully with, and regards to, persons with a disability;
Design positive, safe, and inclusive sport experiences for persons with a disability; and
Consider next steps in their professional development related to coaching persons with a disability.
You should expect to spend 45-60 minutes completing the module.
NCCP Competition Development: High Performance 1 Coach Readiness Self-Assessment
Please use this tool to determine your readiness to pursue your NCCP Competition Development High Performance 1 Certification. While you may access a PDF version of this document by way of the document(s) link we strongly recomend that you complete the self-assessment online to receive appropriate feedback, including recomendation regarding engaging in a training cohort or proceeding directly to evaluation.
IMPORTANT: When applying for certification, you must upload a copy of your completed self-assessment to your profile in order to be accepted into either certification pathway.
Please click here to access the self-assessment tool.

NCCP Creating a Positive Sport Environment
Participant-centered coaching strategies are an effective way to establish a safe and inclusive sport culture. By placing participants at the centre of the coaching process, coaches can promote growth and athletic development, foster creativity and learning, and protect participants from harm.
After completing this module, you will be able to:
Describe the characteristics and benefits of participant-centered coaching
Explain the types of harm that may occur when a coach misuses their power and how to respond to suspicions or knowledge of maltreatment
Use positive coaching strategies to create a positive sport environment, enhance safety, and improve learning and performance

NCCP Emergency Action Plan
After completing the NCCP Emergency Action Plan eLearning activity, coaches will be able to:
- Describe the importance of having an Emergency Action Plan (EAP)
- Identify when to activate the EAP
- Explain the responsibilities of the charge person and call person when the EAP is activated
- Create a detailed EAP that includes all required information for responding to an emergency
To complete the free NCCP Emergency Action Plan eLearning activity, visit the NCCP Emergency Action Plan eLearning page in the Locker.

NCCP Leading Drug-free Sport
NCCP Leading Drug-free Sport introduces new and experienced coaches to the values of fairness, excellence, inclusion, and fun in the context of drug-free and clean sport practice. Drug-free sport is free of doping, both because participants choose not to dope and because they have the knowledge, tools, and motivation to protect themselves from unintentional doping.
Learning outcomes
By the end of this module, coaches will be able to:
- Understand and demonstrate the coach’s role in leading drug free and clean sport
- Assist athletes to recognize banned substances as identified by the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport by providing access to appropriate reference material, or use sport expert
- Educate and provide support to athletes in drug testing protocols at major competitions
- Promote and model the philosophy of fair play, the NCCP Code of Ethics and promote clean and drug-free sport as identified by the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport
- Use educational strategies to reinforce the importance of drug-free and clean sport
- Provide educational opportunities to athletes on the use of nutritional supplements and energy drinks
- Identify and reinforce the consequences of using banned substances
NCCP Leading Drug-free Sport, is available through the Coaching Association of Canada's Locker. Coaches can access the eLearning module through the internet at any time or place, and on most current technology devices. Your ECampus training transcript will be updated within 7-10 days of your training having been completed on The Locker.

NCCP Make Ethical Decisions - Evaluation
Making Ethical Decisions(MED) is a cornerstone of the NCCP, and leaves coaches with no doubt as to what to do when the going gets tough. The MED online evaluation provides the opportunity to apply the skills learned in the workshop to real-life situations. By successfully completing the MED evaluation, you will have demonstrated the ability to handle virtually any ethical situation with confidence and surety.
Upon completing the MED evaluation, you'll be able to:
- analyze a challenging situation and determine if it has moral, legal or ethical implications; and
- apply the NCCP Ethical Decision Making Model to properly respond to each situation in a way that is consistent with the NCCP Code of Ethics
In order to complete this evaluation, you must login to "The Locker", the Coaching Association of Canada's coaching database and eLearning platform.
IMPORTANT: Coaches that have completed the NCCP Make Ethical Decisions training, and have it listed on their transcript, will have FREE unlimited access to the NCCP Make Ethical Decisions online evaluation. A fee of $85 will apply for coaches who have not taken the training and choose to go directly to the evaluation.

NCCP Making Headway in Sport (Multisport)
Making Head Way in Sport is designed to help coaches gain the knowledge and skills required to ensure the safety of their athletes.
Upon completion, you will be able to:
Know how to prevent concussions
Recognize the signs and symptoms of a concussion
Respond appropriately when you suspect an athlete has a concussion
Ensure athletes return to play safely

NCCP Managing Conflict (Online Evaluation)
The Managing Conflict Online Evaluation assesses the skills learned through participation in the Managing Conflict (Multisport) course.
Note: Access to this online evaluation is FREE if you have already completed the course. A non-refundable fee of $85 is charged to those that choose to go straight to evaluation.

NCCP Sport Nutrition
Good nutrition is important for both athletic performance and maintaining a healthy lifestyle outside of sport. By helping their participants make good nutrition choices, coaches not only empower them to perform their best, they help them to establish positive dietary habits that can last a lifetime.
The National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) Sport Nutrition module provides coaches with education about basic sport nutrition principles. This eLearning module will provide an understanding of how to support athletes and their parents or caregivers to make effective nutrition choices.
After completing NCCP Sport Nutrition, coaches will be able to:
Explain the basic nutritional needs of an athlete.
Take appropriate measures to ensure that athletes stay hydrated during exercise.
Educate athletes on the use of nutritional supplements and sports drinks.
Encourage a positive body image in athletes.
Identify the different types of disordered eating.
Support athletes with special nutritional needs.
Identify common food allergies and intolerances.
Provide accurate guidance to athletes and their parents or caregivers on nutrition before, during and after exercise.
Provide accurate nutritional guidance to athletes and their parents or caregivers before and during travel.

NCCP Understanding the Rule of Two
The goal of the Rule of Two is to ensure all interactions and communications are open, observable and justifiable. It is one of three pillars of the Responsible Coaching Movement, along with background screening and ethics training.
After completing the Understanding the Rule of Two eLearning module, participants will:
- Have a solid understanding of the Rule of Two Improve their ability to assess and implement preventive measures
- Be aware of questions to ask to determine their sport organization’s policies
Applying the Rule of Two in sport environments provides many benefits, including: Increasing the safety and security of all participants
- Reducing the risk of an incident of abuse Protecting everyone, including coaches and volunteers
- Reducing a sport organization's liability Providing additional help if there’s an accident or emergency

Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders (Mandatory for SK & MB Coaches)
The Respect in Sport for Activity Leader/Coach Program educates youth leaders, coaches, officials and participants (14 years and up) to recognize, understand and respond to issues of bullying, abuse, harassment and discrimination (BAHD).
Respect in Sport Activity Leader training is mandatory for all coaches in Saskatchewan and Manitoba.

Support Through Sport: Bystander Empowerment
The Support Through Sport eLearning series is designed to empower coaches to recognize and take action when it is suspected that a teen sport participant is involved in an unhealthy dating relationship. Bystander Empowerment is one of three supplementary modules in the Support Through Sport series. In Bystander Empowerment, you will participate in several activities to help improve your skills in being a helpful bystander.
After completing the Bystander Empowerment eLearning module, you will be able to:
- Recognize different forms of violence Identify helpful and hurtful bystander behaviour
- Use strategies to intervene as a bystander in situations of violence
This eLearning will take approximately 20 to 30 minutes to complete and is available for free in the Locker. 1 PD point will be earned after the completion of this module.

Support Through Sport: Gender-based Violence in Sport
Gender-based Violence in Sport is one of three supplementary modules in the Support Through Sport series. In Gender-based Violence in Sport, you will participate in several activities to help improve your skills at recognizing and reducing gender-based violence in your sport environment. After completing the Gender-based Violence in Sport eLearning module, you will be able to:
- Recognize forms of gender-based violence
- Identify strategies to use to prevent gender-based violence in your sport environment
This eLearning will take approximately 30 minutes to complete and is available for free in the Locker. 1 PD point will be earned after the completion of this module.

Support Through Sport: Modelling Healthy Relationships
Modelling Healthy Relationships is one of three supplementary modules in the Support Through Sport series. In Modelling Healthy Relationships, you’ll participate in several activities that will help improve your skills at modelling healthy relationships in the sport environment. After completing the Modelling Healthy Relationships eLearning module, you will be able to:
- Recognize the elements of a healthy relationship
- Identify opportunities for modelling healthy relationships in the sport environment
- Identify strategies for how to set, maintain and uphold expectations for healthy relationships
This eLearning will take approximately 30 minutes to complete and is available for free in the Locker. 1 PD point will be earned after the completion of this module.

Support Through Sport: Understanding Teen Dating Violence
The Support Through Sport eLearning series is designed to empower coaches to recognize and take action when it is suspected that a teen sport participant is involved in an unhealthy dating relationship. Understanding Teen Dating Violence is the foundational module in this series and focuses on creating healthy environments for sport participants between the ages of 11 and 24 years.
After completing the Understanding Teen Dating Violence eLearning module, coaches will be able to:
- Identify elements of healthy relationships
- Define teen dating violence
- Take action when teen dating violence is suspected or known
This eLearning will take approximately 30 to 40 minutes to complete and is available for free in the Locker. 1 PD point will be earned after the completion of this module.