Canada Équestre

The Equestrian Canada (EC), English Learn to Ride programs begin for junior and senior riders, at Rider Level 1 introducing the basics of horsemanship and rider skills from the first experience to Rider Level 10. The Learn to Ride program is designed to be guided by a Certified and Licensed Instructor or Coach, to ensure that the concepts are clearly understood before the rider progresses to more challenging levels. The program provides an opportunity for riders to progress, demonstrating their skills through a series of increasingly complex written tests, interviews, and under-saddle jump and flat tests. Upon completing this training Licensed and NCCP Certified Instructors and Coaches will be eligible to evaluate for Learn to Ride up to and including level 4. Evaluators will be provided with all the necessary tools and information to begin testing.  English Rider Level 1-2 Must be an Equestrian Canada current certified Instructor or Coach who is trained to evaluate the rider levels. May be evaluated by your current certified Instructor or Coach who is trained to evaluate the rider levels. May be evaluated by a single evaluator. English Rider Level 3-4 Must be an Equestrian Canada current certified Coach who is trained to evaluate the rider levels. May be evaluated by own current certified Coach who is trained to evaluate the rider levels. May be evaluated by the current Instructor with Jump Module (if not their own students) who are trained to evaluate the rider levels.  Note: If candidates are NOT doing the Jump Module, then a current Instructor without the jump module may evaluate (not their own students) May be evaluated by a single evaluator. English Rider Level 5 Must be an Equestrian Canada current certified Coach who is trained to evaluate the rider levels. Evaluators may not evaluate their own students. May be evaluated by a single evaluator. English Rider Level 6-7-8 Must be an Equestrian Canada current certified Coach who is trained to evaluate the rider levels. Evaluators are approved only after they have attended two training events. One may be a classroom presentation of the levels and one event must be to shadow a Rider Level evaluation completing their own set of marking papers to the satisfaction of the Mentor Evaluator. The candidate evaluator may shadow two evaluations as an option. Evaluators may not evaluate their students. May be evaluated by a single evaluator.

Learn to
Initiation sportive
Entraîneur Instructor

Temps et endroits disponibles

jan 19, 2025
Heure: 09:00-16:00

Date Limite jan 18, 2025

Wesley Clover Parks, Ottawa $ 199.00 S’INSCRIRE
Sièges libres: 19
Instructeur: Helen Richardson
Langue : EN


The Equestrian Canada (EC), English Learn to Ride programs begin for junior and senior riders, at Rider Level 1 introducing the basics of horsemanship and rider skills from the first experience to Rider Level 10. The Learn to Ride program is designed to be guided by a Certified and Licensed Instructor or Coach, to ensure that the concepts are clearly understood before the rider progresses to more challenging levels. The program provides an opportunity for riders to progress, demonstrating their skills through a series of increasingly complex written tests, interviews, and under-saddle jump and flat tests. Upon completing this training Licensed and NCCP Certified Instructors and Coaches will be eligible to evaluate for Learn to Ride up to and including level 6. Evaluators will be provided with all the necessary tools and information to begin testing.