PD POINTS: 3.0    DURATION (HRS): 8.00
Equestrian Canada

The Equestrian Canada (EC), Western Learn to Ride program begins for athletes at Rider Level 1, introducing the basics of horsemanship and rider skills from the first experience to Rider Level 4, and the Intermediate Rider Levels. The Learn to Ride program is designed to be guided by a Certified and Licensed Instructor or Coach, to ensure that the concepts are clearly understood as the athlete progresses to each more challenging level. The program provides an opportunity for athletes to progress by demonstrating their skills through a series of written tests, interviews, and under saddle tests at each level. The aim of the Rider Level evaluator training clinic is to train Instructors and Coaches to understand and detect the requirements for a Rider level candidate to be successful. They will also learn the procedures for setting up an evaluation. Upon completing this training, to become a Rider Level evaluator, Licensed and NCCP Certified Instructors will be eligible to evaluate for Learn to Ride Levels 1-4. Licensed and NCCP Certified Coaches will be eligible to evaluate for Rider Levels 1-4 and Intermediate Rider Basic Training. Evaluators will be provided with all the necessary tools and information to begin testing.

Learn to Ride/Drive
Learn to
Learn To
Western Performance
Live training
Coach Instructor Learning Facilitator Official Rider

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