PD POINTS: 5.0    DURATION (HRS): 5.00
Coaching Association of Canada

The National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) Fundamental Movement Skills Workshop, presented by TeamSnap, provides a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental movement skills and the core-competencies of the NCCP, with the help of significant hands-on activities. Through this interactive workshop, participants gain the ability to: Detect and correct basic errors for fundamental movement skills in participants so they have a choice to adopt a healthy, active lifestyle; Apply a teaching process to promote the development of fundamental movement skills; Adapt fundamental movement skills for participants with intellectual, physical, sensory, or behavioural disabilities; Lead activities that will promote the development of fundamental movement skills in a safe, responsible manner while interacting with others; and Provide stage-appropriate feedback to encourage and develop fundamental movement skills in participants.

NCCP Proffesional Development Proffesional Development
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