Tierce partie

To obtain a vulnerable sector search, you must contact your local police department. This search differs from a regular Criminal Record Check as it specifically verifies elements relevant for people working with vulnerable populations and may take several weeks to obtain. Most police departments require a letter from the requesting organization to complete the check.

Once you have received the results of your vulnerable sector search, please upload them here.

All individuals born on or before February 28, 1986, must submit a completed Vulnerable Sector Search. 

For Toronto, ON residents, please visit the resource section: https://campus.equestrian.ca/student/documents.php


Questions concerning vulnerable sector checks should be directed to your local police service. In British Columbia, you should contact the British Columbia Criminal Records Review Program.

Licence d'entraîneur
Soumission d'un document
Entraîneur Facilitateur Maître personne-resource Évaluateur d'entaîneur

Temps et endroits disponibles

Il n'y a pas de rendez-vous en personne pour ce programme. Veuillez retourner à la page précédente pour vous inscrire.